Category: Stress Management
Stress Management Category- Blog articles on positive and negative stress, good and bad stress, external stressors stress, stress busters, stress symptoms, stress management goals, stress weight loss obesity, holistic stress management, fun stress management activities, irritable bowel syndrome stress management, etc.
Healthful Vitality | 11/20/2023 | Mental Health Struggles of Fired CEOs: Behind the Glossy Facade. In the realm of corporate leadership, the corner office symbolizes success, power, and prestige. In recent years, this world...
Healthful Vitality | 04/02/2023 | How Mental Health Impacts Your Thoughts, Emotions, and Behavior. Mental health plays a critical role in our overall well-being, yet it is often subject to misunderstanding and underestimation. Therefore,...
Healthful Vitality | 03/28/2023 | How Does Emotional Stress Play a Vital Role in Many Illnesses? Emotional stress is a common experience that can have a significant impact on both mental and physical health....
Healthful Vitality | 02/08/2023 | Why Exercise Is a Powerful Tool for Managing Bipolar Disorder? Exercise is a powerful tool for managing bipolar disorder, a mental health condition characterized by alternating episodes of mania...
Healthful Vitality | 02/06/2023 | Top 10 Reasons Why Mental Health Cases Are Growing. Mental health and mental health issues are serious as they can significantly affect a person’s daily life and well-being. In...
Healthful Vitality | 01/10/2023 | How to Heal Toxic Thoughts [5-Step Toxic Healing Strategy] Toxic thoughts can act like poison to our mental health, causing distress and creating unhealthy patterns in our life. We...
Healthful Vitality | 01/06/2023 | How Can Fear Make One from a Hero to Zero? Fear can be a powerful emotion that can often lead to negative outcomes. It can cause people to make...
Healthful Vitality | 03/05/2022 | By NP Contributor | Lack of Confidence: Causes, Signs, and Management. In general, if you have a lack of confidence, you will tend to think bad about yourself. That is,...
Healthful Vitality | 10/26/2021 | Jaw Tension Anxiety One of the responses to anxiety is voluntary or even involuntary tightening of some muscle groups. Thus, in some, it may cause backache, others may tighten...
Healthful Vitality | 10/26/2021 | Sources of External Stressors Stress is a part of life. Moreover, studies show that stress is even widely prevalent among teenagers and young adults. This sharp increase in stress...
Healthful Vitality | 10/26/2021 | Irritable Bowel Syndrome Stress Management. Researchers estimate that about 10-12% of the global population is living with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). In some population groups, as many as 20%...
Healthful Vitality | 10/26/2021 | Constant Muscle Tension Anxiety. There are two consequences of anxiety, emotional and physical responses. Underlying hormonal changes cause both these responses. Muscle tension anxiety is one of the physical...
Healthful Vitality | 10/24/2021 | Positive and Negative Stress Divide Stress into Good and Bad Stress is always present. However, its impact on health depends on the gravity of stress and a person’s response...
Healthful Vitality | 10/24/2021 | By NP Contributor | Stress Pregnancy Symptoms In medicine, pregnancy is regarded as a normal physiological state and not a disease. For most individuals, it’s a planned event. It...
Healthful Vitality | 10/23/2021 | By NP Contributor | Best Stress Busters for Acute and Chronic Stress How much any condition causes stress greatly depends on individual sensitivities—moreover, the source of stress varies for...
Healthful Vitality | 10/18/2021 | By NP Contributor | Crystal for Stress How crystal helps in healing is a matter of debate, as very little is known about it. Nonetheless, humans have used crystals...
Healthful Vitality | 10/15/2021 | By NP Contributor | To Manage Stress Naturally Most people would feel stressed out, overwhelmed with various issues from time to time. Some find it had to get rid...
Healthful Vitality | 10/13/2021 | By NP Contributor | Goal of Stress Management Continuous low-grade stress is far more dangerous than acute stress. Acute stress generally lasts for a few minutes or hours. However,...
Healthful Vitality | 10/13/2021 | By NP Contributor | Anxious Feeling in Stomach for No Reason If there is a strange sensation in the stomach for no apparent reason, high acidity, bloating, stomach pain,...
Healthful Vitality | 10/13/2021 | By NP Contributor | Stress Weight Loss Obesity is a considerable problem in developed nations like the US. However, it does not mean that no individuals are living with...