Eggs, Unbeatable Nutrition for a Healthy Breakfast
Healthful Vitality | 06/27/2021 | By Ancy Jacob, RN, BSN. | Eggs, Unbeatable Nutrition for a Healthy Breakfast.

Eggs are hands-down the most nutritious food on the planet — they’re authentic superfoods, and for the price, they’re a no-brainer. Enjoying eggs every day has proved to be not only the best way of starting your day with the right foot but also a long-term strategy to keep several illnesses in check.
Eggs are delicious, too, and are incredibly versatile. From soups to salads, there are literally dozens of ways of cooking eggs. The most classic, of course, is the omelet. Learn all about eggs’ health benefits and find a recipe for the perfect omelet with a tossed salad below.

Eggs; More than Low-carb Foods, They’re the Key to All Your Healthy Recipes
You might have heard about low-carb vegetables and high-quality protein as the keto diet food pyramid base. Well, eggs are part of this nutritious group, too. In fact, for healthy breakfast ideas, eggs are not to be missed. They’re the single most nutritious item in our fridge. Here are some of egg’s most notable health benefits.
- Eggs have high amounts of vitamin A and B-complex. They’re also good sources of phosphorus and selenium.
- With only 77 calories, eggs are the most efficient source of proteins. Each has 6 grams of high-quality protein and 5 grams of essential saturated fats.
- When coming from pasture-raised hens, eggs have Omega-3 fatty acids as well. A rare but vital nutrient often only found in oily fish.
- Eggs have cholesterol, but they have both the good and bad kind, and they seem to cancel each other, as egg consumption doesn’t affect blood cholesterol levels.
- Eggs have potent antioxidants, lutein and zeaxanthin, that keep inflammation-related free radicals at bay.
- Egg consumption can lower the risk of heart disease while keeping your arteries clear, especially for people with diabetes and people following low-carb diets.
Egg consumption can lower the risk of heart disease while keeping your arteries clear, especially for people with diabetes and people following low-carb diets.
Tips for A Healthy Breakfast and a Delicious Breakfast Recipe
- Two eggs every day guarantee your body has all the protein and essential amino acids it needs along with lots of nutrients.
- Veggies are not only for lunch and dinner, but they also have a place at the breakfast table. As you’ll see below, a tossed salad is the perfect partner for a tender omelet.
- Never skip breakfast, even when in a hurry. If you don’t have time for a proper meal, enjoy a protein bar or carry around nuts and seeds to enjoy on the go.
- Be careful when enjoying juice. A glass of orange juice, for example, has more sugar and calories than a can of Coke!

Tender Omelet with Tossed Salad Breakfast Recipe
Here’s one of our favorite easy breakfast recipes, a lovely egg omelet served with a vibrant tossed salad. Nutrition and flavor in the same plate, and you basically only need veggies, two eggs and a pinch of salt!
Serves 2
Prep time 10 minutes
Cooking time 10 minutes
For the omelet:
- 2 eggs (at room temperature)
- 1 pinch of salt
- 1 tbsp unsalted butter
For the salad:
- Baby Spinach 1 cup
- Broccoli ½ cup
- Mushrooms ½ cup
- Bell Peppers, ½ each
- Coriander leaves 1 fistful
- Avocado ½
- Olive oil 2 Tbsp
- Lemon juice, 1 lemon
- Cherry Tomatoes 1/2 cup
- Salt and pepper to taste

- Rinse all the veggies. Chop the spinach, broccoli and coriander. Slice the mushrooms, bell peppers and avocado.
- In a mixing bowl, add spinach, broccoli, mushrooms, tomatoes and bell peppers. Toss with olive oil and lemon juice. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Set aside until ready to serve.
- To make the omelet, crack the eggs into a bowl, season with a pinch of salt and beat the eggs gently with a fork.
- Heat a nonstick pan over medium heat for 2 minutes. Add the butter, let it melt and coat the pan’s surface.
- Pour the eggs at the center of the pan and stir vigorously for five seconds with a silicone spatula.
- Let the egg cook undisturbed for 10-15 seconds.
- Use the spatula to lift the egg’s edges to prevent it from sticking.
- With a sideways motion, jiggle the egg a few times to make sure it doesn’t stick and flip the omelet using the spatula to fold it two-thirds of the way. Serve immediately.
- To plate, serve the omelet and a side of salad. Top the salad with the avocado slices and garnish with the coriander leaves.

(Related Article: 5 Easy Plant-based Lunch Recipes to Try)