The Health Benefits of Good Simple Living
Healthful Vitality | 11/12/2022 | The Health Benefits of Good Simple Living

Developed nations face some unique problems caused by prosperity and too many luxuries. Humans have instinctively sought a comfortable, luxurious lifestyle with everything in abundance.
However, it seems that abundance does not essentially make people happy. The truth is that developing nations also have a high rate of substance abuse, depression, mental health disorders, and more.
For most people in developed nations, food is not an issue. Moreover, food is readily available, and there is a massive variety. But unfortunately, all this has only led to obesity and disability.
Similarly, people can readily afford cars, phones, televisions, gadgets, comfortable furniture, and more. But all that has not provided comfort to humans.
Abundance may make people addicted to dopamine
Some health experts have proposed that the reason why abundance or materialism does not lead to happiness is that it causes dopamine addiction.
Once people can acquire the object they want, they get a short-lived pleasure due to dopamine release. Thus, a new gadget or phone may provide pleasure for a few days or weeks.
However, soon this pleasure is gone, and dopamine levels start falling. Thus, a person must look for other ways to boost dopamine levels. Unfortunately, this creates a vicious cycle, and each cycle becomes shorter until one stops getting any pleasure from abundance and instead falls into depression.
What is simple living? And how to get started?
Although there is no definition of simple living, it means living a minimalistic life. It means not seeking something that is not essential for existence and instead paying much attention to the quality of life. It is about seeking prolonged happiness by reducing dependence on things.
Of course, a mobile phone is needed, but not essentially the most expensive one. Similarly, one may need a car, but not a luxury one.
Simple living is also about going green, becoming self-sufficient, and practicing mindfulness. It is about focusing more on physical and mental health.
For example, a person may become happier by growing their food, using handmade items, cooking food, and more.
Of course, simple living is not simple to practice, as it requires changing long-formed habits. It is also about changing thinking patterns.
Benefits of simple living
People in western nations increasingly realize that abundance and prosperity are not a guarantee of happiness. Unlike in the developed countries, they have all the essential things and many luxurious items, yet they are not happy.
A simple life can ultimately help people experience true happiness and eliminate mental health disorders. It can also reduce stress and the risk of different chronic health issues like stress, diabetes, and even dementia.
Once the person has broken that cycle of being dependent on dopamine kick, one stops seeking too many things, becomes satisfied with life, and experiences true happiness.
A person starts living simply, and the body undergoes hormonal changes that significantly reduce the risk of various health disorders, improve brain health, and prolong life.
Simple living is about living a healthy life, a life where happiness is not dependent on material things. It helps people break the cycle of dopamine dependence and consumerism and thus attain true happiness.
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