Meal Plan for Digestive Problems
Healthful Vitality | 10/06/2021 | By NP Contributor | Meal Plan for Digestive Problems.
Digestive issues are highly prevalent. Most digestive problems are chronic. If unmanaged, these digestive issues may cause various health issues. For example, digestive issues may cause autoimmune disorders to depression. Nonetheless, people often focus more on managing illnesses resulting from digestive problems than correcting an underlying problem.
Before looking at the meal plan for digestive problems, it is essential to understand its underlying principles. For example, studies show that a high intake of gluten, processed carbs, and certain medications are associated with poor digestive health or leaky gut syndrome.
Dietary components to focus on:
- Dietary fiber. Low intake of dietary fiber is associated with digestive problems and obesity, heart diseases, and much more. Most adults should aim for 30 gms of dietary fiber. Soluble dietary fiber is especially good for intestinal motility and preventing leaky gut syndrome.
- Resistant starch. These are starches that are difficult to digest, and thus a large part of them is fermented in the large intestine. Foods sources like rice, oats, chickpeas are an example of resistant starch foods. Further, cooking the food, cooling the food item in a refrigerator, and reheating it before eating may make starches more resistant.
- Probiotics. These are foods rich in beneficial bacterial like kefir, yogurt.
Foods to eat in digestive problems
Generally, it is good to consume more non-starchy vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, mushrooms, zucchini, and spinach. Fermented foods like kimchi or Greek yogurt are excellent, too. Fruits are generally suitable for gut health. Fats should be consumed in moderation with a focus on healthy fats like virgin olive oil. Protein sources like seafood, chicken, and eggs are better than red meat.
Foods not to eat much in digestive problems
Knowing what is not suitable for digestive health is equally essential. One does not need to exclude these foods from the diet, instead just reduce their intake. Thus, limit the intake of wheat-based products like pasta and bread. Avoid the so-called junk food like candies, sugary cereals, potato chips. Minimize intake of dairy products like milk and cheeses. Avoid refined oils like sunflower, soybean oil. One should also avoid consuming too many sausages.
It would be correct to say that most processed, ready-to-eat foods are not as healthy. So, just by cooking food more often, focusing on “slow food” may help considerably with digestive problems.
Examples of meal plans for digestive problems
Below are just a few examples. However, options are limitless, and one can plan a diet by understanding the underlying principles explained above.
Day 1 meal sample plan:
Breakfast: Unsweetened smoothing prepared with Greek yogurt and berries like blueberry
Lunch: it could be salmon with veggie frittata
Dinner: Grilled chicken served with salad
Day 2 meal sample plan:
Breakfast: Gluten-free oats with raspberries
Lunch: Rice fried with mixed vegetables in healthy oil
Dinner: Broiled steak with sweet potatoes and salad
Above are just a few examples of how with some planning, one can prepare healthy meals. Preparing these meals does not require many culinary skills. It is more choosing the right ingredients and learning some healthy and easy to cook recipes.
Related: Flexitarian Meal Plan: What It is, Benefits.