Lower A1C | How Long Does It Take To Lower A1C?
Healthful Vitality | 01/04/2023 | Lower A1C | How Long Does It Take To Lower A1C?

If you ask how long it takes to lower A1C, it is logical to conclude that you have higher A1C than normal. It means that your A1C is above 6.5% and you have been diagnosed with diabetes. You probably have A1C 7% or even 9% or 11%, or even above.
Post-diagnosis, people are frightened. However, they are enthusiastic, too. They want to reverse diabetes as fast as possible.
However, it is worth understanding that diabetes results from years of neglect. It never occurs overnight. After all, it is not an infection one contracted a few days back. Instead, it is a severe metabolic disorder that occurs due to insulin resistance. This insulin resistance occurs mainly due to excessive calorie intake.
Though one can lower blood glucose quickly, however, fight against diabetes have to be consistent and for a long. Once diagnosed with diabetes, it’s a diagnosis for life. But, there is no need to worry, as with adequate efforts, most can lower blood glucose and achieve diabetes remission. But, of course, you will need to continue your efforts even after lowering your blood glucose level.
How long does it take to lower [A1C]?
For decades doctors have used fasting blood glucose tests to diagnose diabetes. And anyone with 126 mg/dL or above was regarded as living with diabetes. This test is highly reliable and given after at least eight hours of fasting or in the morning on an empty stomach.
However, this test has some drawbacks. Lowering fasting blood glucose is much easier. A person can go on fasting for more than eight hours and consume very little food for a few days before testing. Thus, one can readily cheat. However, lower values achieved this way do not mean that all is fine.
The glycated hemoglobin blood test or A1C
Since many diabetes patients use this approach before fasting blood glucose tests, doctors came up with a new kind of test that one cannot cheat, a glycated hemoglobin blood test or A1C. It measures the sugar accumulated in the red blood cells over three to four months, as red blood cells have a lifespan of 90-120 days.
The way to lower [A1C]
A1C shows your average blood glucose level for the last three to four months. Therefore, even if you use radical methods like extensive fasting and exercise, it will only go down gradually. The only way to lower A1C is regular and prolonged effort. An effort that would continue for at least three months can help considerably lower A1C.
Therefore, A1C is a more reliable test for those living with diabetes. It shows an accurate picture. It is not interrupted by the efforts done for a few days before the testing.
Lower A1C with consistent efforts for three months?
To lower A1C, one must consistently follow the recommendations. Your blood glucose must remain close to normal most of the time for the last 3-4 months. Moreover, this test is also influenced by post-prandial spikes, that is, an increase in blood glucose after hefty meals. To conclude, A1C is the most reliable test to monitor the progress of the fight against the diagnosis. The test shows the moving average of blood glucose levels for the last 3 to 4 months. Thus, one can considerably lower A1C with consistent efforts for three months.
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