How to Lose Weight Fast for 12 Year Old?
Healthful Vitality | 03/07/2022 | How to Lose Weight Fast for 12 Year Old?

One of the worrisome trends globally is the rising rate of obesity among young children and teenagers. US data shows that more than 20% of children over 12 years of age are obese. And, perhaps, another 20% are overweight.
But that is not all. Studies show that the covid-19 epidemic has only made things worst. During the pandemic, children gained much more bodyweight than adults.
Twelve years old is naturally made to stay highly active. However, due to gadgets, lockdowns, other restrictions, high fat diet, and ultra-processed foods, even 12 year old are becoming obese.
There are many challenges in fast weight loss in this age category. Unlike adults, children feel pretty well. However, they are also not much motivated. Nevertheless, some may have greater motivation.
To begin with, 12 year old must be motivated to lose bodyweight. For example, parents may teach them about the benefits of weight loss. They might also reward them for their efforts.
Limit the gadget time
To begin with, limit the screen time of children. It may mean limiting the use of gadgets like mobile devices, watching television, playing online games.
This will automatically make a 12 year old more active. It is because at this age people like to run, participate in physical activities. However, they often do not have time for physical activities due to greater use of gadgets.
Reducing the intake of fast food
Fast food is calorie-rich and addictive. Children and adolescents indeed enjoy these food items. In many places, children are getting most of their daily calories from such a food item.
It is not just about fast food. It may also mean guiding children/adolescents not to consume too many sugary or carbonated drinks.
There could be many approaches to reducing fast-food consumption. For example, one may start teaching kids to cook. Additionally, adults should set an example by consuming food less often at cafes or restaurants.
Enrolling in a sports club
12 year old may love playing online games, but people also highly enjoy participating in sports at this age. For 12 year old, a gym may not be the best option, but a sports club may be an excellent way of fast weight loss.
There is almost no 12 year old who does not enjoy playing one or other sports. Some may love soccer, others tennis, and so on. Moreover, 12 year old often love sports requiring high energy expenditure. Thus, they may lose weight much more quickly than adults.
Further, 12 year old have a higher metabolic rate and even heart rate. It means their journey from being obese to a normal weight person would be much quicker and shorter. Further, fat tissues are not much resistant to the workout at this age and can be readily mobilized.
Encourage healthy eating habits
12 year old have some issues. They like unhealthy foods. On the other hand, they dislike veggies and even fruits. However, such habits can be changed with proper guidance. It is worth understanding that ultra-processed foods are highly addictive for a young brain.
It is now clear that weight loss efforts must start from an early age. Else incidence of metabolic disorders among young adults would keep increasing. However, what works for adults may not essentially work for a 12 year old. Thus, a need for a different strategy in this age group.
Related: How to Lose Weight as Fast as Humanly Possible?