How Does Diabetes Affect a Woman Sexually?
Healthful Vitality | 10/20/2021 | By NP Contributor | How Does Diabetes Affect a Woman Sexually?

It is a well-established fact that erectile dysfunction is widely prevalent among men living with diabetes. However, much less attention has been given to female sexual health by researchers. Nonetheless, the fact is that both genders are affected by diabetes equally.
Diabetes causes changes in sexual health not just due to its effect on hormonal health but also due to its effects on nerves and blood vessels. In diabetes, there are also emotional changes. It means that sexual function, desire, and reproductivity are affected by diabetes.
Diabetes causes hormonal changes
Women living with diabetes have much more significant problems related to the menstrual cycle. Many have less frequent cycles, and the menstrual cycle may be absent in many (secondary amenorrhea). [1] It also means severely compromised reproductive health.
Menstrual irregularities are direct indicators of much broader hormonal changes in the body. Lack of these female hormones has a direct impact on sexual desire, mood, and sexual function. It also may cause issues like dry vagina, pain during sex, and other problems.
Diabetes-related vascular issues and neuropathies affect sexual function
The two well-known chronic complications of diabetes are vascular diseases and neuropathies. Although, when talking about vascular diseases, one is more likely to think about the heart. However, in diabetes, most blood vessels are affected. Diabetes is the leading cause of peripheral and poorly healing ulcers. It also means that blood supply to reproductive organs is also disrupted. It naturally means poor lubrication and issues with sexual life.
Things are further made worse by the presence of nerve damage. It results in reduced sensation. For manly living with diabetes, sex is not as enjoyable as it used to be. Many women may fail to achieve orgasm at all.
Diabetes and vaginal infections
Diabetes also means a greater risk of opportunistic infections. These are infections caused by bacteria and fungi that reside in the human body and would not cause disease in most people.
Studies also show a greater prevalence of vaginal thrush among females living with diabetes. Needless to say, that frequent vaginal infections would ultimately influence sexual life.
Diabetes causes emotional disorders and reduces sexual desire
Intimacy is just not physical; it is an emotional experience. One cannot have normal sexual life without a good mood. Regretfully, those living with diabetes are more likely to suffer from emotional and mood disorders. It means that in diabetes, the prevalence of anxiety and depression are far more common.
Impact of other diabetes-related complications on sexuality
Regretfully, diabetes causes numerous other health issues. It may considerably increase the risk of heart disease, kidney disease, retinopathy, and so on. The stress of managing diabetes and its complications is overwhelming for many females, causing severe changes in sexual desire and function. To conclude, diabetes is a complex disorder affecting hormone levels, causing nerves and blood vessels related complications. Additionally, it also causes severe changes in mood and emotions. All this can have severe effects on sexual life and relationships.
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- Fertility Issues in Women with Diabetes.