Holistic Stress Management for Managing Stress
Healthful Vitality | 10/10/2021 | By NP Contributor | Holistic Stress Management

One of the issues related to the modern practice of medicine is that doctors focus too much on the signs and symptoms of diseases. They would generally carry out tests, assess the health condition, and then provide medications to relieve stress and associated disease conditions like hypertension or gastritis.
However, there is an issue with such an approach. It fails to manage the underlying cause. And this is where a holistic approach to health comes into play. Advocates of the holistic approach say that there is a need to look into the bigger picture. Indeed, it is about understanding the physical, mental, social, spiritual, lifestyle, and other health parameters. Also, it may even include working with friends and family members. It is because all these things are interconnected.
Holistic Stress Management for Managing Stress
Holistic stress management includes various approaches to managing stress.
1. Nutrition
Those living with stress often have wrong dietary choices. Adding more grains, increasing dietary fiber intake may help. Further, eating more fruits, vegetables, and berries may also help. One of the approaches is to include numerous colors on a plate. It may help boost levels of antioxidants and other bioactive compounds.
2. Supplements
It may mean using aromatherapy, vitamins, herbs to manage mental health issues and reduce stress. For example, aromatherapy massage with lavender oil may help. Similarly, taking magnesium, vitamin B-complex, valerian root may reduce stress.
3. Non-pharmacological therapy
Numerous non-pharmacological therapies work equally well. For example, cognitive-behavioral therapy may help overcome wrong thinking patterns. Talk therapy is also quite effective in many cases.
4. Meditation or practicing mindfulness
Meditation may help alter the working of the brain and change emotional responses. It helps a person stay calm. Mindfulness dictates paying greater attention to the present moment rather than worrying about the future. Thus, even having a walk and listening to the sounds of nature may help. These therapies involve avoiding unnecessary thoughts.
5. Physical activity
Physical activity is one of the best ways to overcome stress and boost physical health. It may also help improve metabolism, prevent diabetes, heart diseases, and boost brain health. Most studies recommend at least 30 minutes of moderately intensive exercise five times a week. However, 60 minutes of exercise may have greater health benefits.
Physical inactivity has several serious consequences. Here is a link to the top 10 most shocking risks of physical inactivity.
6. Mind and body exercises
These may include practicing yoga or tai chi. These exercises focus both on physical and mental health. They also improve balance, blood flow to various organs. These exercises also help a person become more self-aware.
7. Confidence boosting
Some therapists may recommend ways of boosting self-confidence as many fears in humans are due to a lack of self-confidence.
8. Improve social life
Everyone knows the soothing effect of sharing feelings with close friends. However, in a holistic approach, one may create a plan for socializing, like meeting friends every Friday or visiting parents every Sunday. It may also involve talking to one of the friends over the phone almost every day.
That is not all. Numerous other methods may help, like massage, art therapy. Also, practicing spirituality may do wonders for some. Additionally, one should pay special attention to emotional wellbeing and changing thought patterns. To conclude, medications do not help treat the root cause of distress. Thus, a holistic approach towards stress management is the only way. However, creating a holistic stress management plan may be challenging. Therefore, one can either make such a plan through some research and perhaps through some trial and error. Or one may consult a specialist.