Global Health Diplomacy: Concept, Facts, and What Lies Ahead?
Healthful Vitality | 10/06/2021 | By NP Contributor | Global Health Diplomacy.
Although globalization is not new, but its impact has never been felt like in the 21st century. There are many reasons to say that modern globalization differs. Now the global population is much higher than just a few centuries back. People can travel almost at the speed of sound. But, more importantly, people can share thoughts at the speed of light. It means that globalization may influence, without much physical movement of the people.
Global health diplomacy is still an emerging concept. It is true that many global institutions like WHO emerged after world war. However, the end of the cold war provided a fresh impetus for globalization. Thus, new concepts emerged like global governance, global health, or global health diplomacy.
Foreign policy, ambassadors, foreign affairs ministers
For most of the part of human history, foreign policy has been controlled by ambassadors, foreign affairs ministers. Embassies had typically had various attachés, like trade attachés, defense attachés. However, healthcare was not a priority. However, things are changing fast with the emergence of health attachés, as global health relations gains importance.
WHO stresses its need
WHO strongly stresses the need for global health diplomacy. It is because negotiating health issues requires very different skill sets compared to negotiating for trade or developmental strategies. Moreover, there is an ever-increasing number of health challenges that cannot be managed without various global initiatives. Numerous health issues need better understanding between the nations, requiring regional and even global agreements.
At present, few nations have health diplomats. However, in most cases, negotiations or various global initiatives are carried out by senior health officials.
Does global health diplomacy work?
Yes, as there are numerous examples in which the global health relations could solve complicated issues. Take an example of health relations that could contain the spread of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS).
It would be wrong to say that global health diplomacy failed to contain covid-19. On the contrary, it did succeed in many ways. Covid-19 is highly contagious, and the international community took a long to understand its threat. It is because the strain is new to medicine. However, the ensuing response to the pandemic was quite robust, and it demonstrated how various regions and nations cooperated and supported each other through health relations.
What lies ahead for global health diplomacy?
Till now, global health diplomacy is still one of the less vital functions of foreign policy in many nations. However, in the future, it has to change. It can contribute considerably to improve relationships between the countries, to overcome long-standing issues
However, researchers also warn that it should not become a pollical tool, as in such cases, it would be rather detrimental to health as any bargains would come at the cost of the lives of people.
Global health diplomacy should raise awareness that health is not a national issue, rather a global issue. Thus, it can contribute significantly to improving health globally. Moreover, it will help respond timely and adequately to the health challenges of the 21st century.
(Also Read: 5 Biggest Threats to Global Health Progress)