Foods to Avoid With Kidney Disease in Diabetes
Healthful Vitality | 10/13/2021 | By NP Contributor | Foods to Avoid With Kidney Disease in Diabetes

Kidney disease is quite common, and data shows that almost 10% of adults are living with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Diabetes is the number one cause of CKD. Both these disease conditions require dietary restrictions. It means that those living with diabetes and kidney diseases may especially need to know what not to eat.
For those living with kidney disease, avoiding high salt intake is a must. Thus, they should severely restrict their sodium intake. Additionally, they need to lower their intake of potassium and phosphorus. Due to reduced kidney function, the body filters less blood, and it also results in lesser loss of electrolytes.
Further, those living with diabetes have to lower their protein intake. Managing protein intake is quite trickly, as proteins are essential for good health. However, by-products of proteins are very toxic, and injured kidneys struggle to remove them.
Here are some foods to avoid when like with kidney disease and diabetes:
1. High potassium fruits
Although fruits are packed with vitamins, minerals, and healthy nutrients, some are pretty high in potassium. Since kidneys struggle to remove excess potassium in CKD, fruits high in it must be avoided. Some of the fruits that are relatively high in potassium are bananas, avocadoes, apricots, kiwi, and oranges. For example, 200 grams of avocado may contain more than 900 mg of potassium, which is exceptionally high.
2. Dried fruits
Although fruits do not have much glycemic load, but dried fruits are different. They may cause an increase in blood glucose levels, but most are also packed with minerals like potassium. Thus, even a small portion of dried apricots may not be good.
3. Processed meats
Generally, one should avoid eating sausages, bacon, and other processed meats. It is because most of these products contain a very high amount of sodium. High sodium causes extreme strain on kidneys and also causes an increased buildup of fluids.
4. Beans and lentils
Beans and lentils are generally recommended for diabetes because they are low in carbs and high in dietary fiber, and high-quality proteins. But regretfully, they are also rich in some minerals like phosphorus. Further, it is necessary to know that canned beans are a big no for those living with CKD and diabetes, as they have high sodium, too. Thus, those who want to consume them should eat them in small amounts. Canned beans should be consumed only after draining and rinsing.
5. Packaged snacks and even foods
From chips to frozen pizza to various microwavable meals, all of them are rich in both sodium and potassium. These foods are not made keeping in mind the special dietary requirements of some individuals. Moreover, they contain highly processed carbs causing a quick rise in blood sugar levels.
6. Fruit juices
One may eat fruits but should better avoid fruit juices. Fruit juices cause quick spikes in blood sugar levels. Further, some of them are also rich in potassium. Additionally, some packaged juices may contain preservatives.
7. Some leafy green vegetables
Vegetables like spinach are quite good for those living with diabetes. However, they also contain potassium in large amounts. Thus, one may consume them, but only in small portions.
To conclude, making dietary choices may be difficult when living with diabetes. However, when living with kidney disease along with diabetes, things become even more complex. What may be suitable for those living with diabetes may not be essentially good for injured kidneys.
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