Dangerous Blood Sugar Levels. What Levels of Sugar Are Dangerous?
Healthful Vitality | 10/01/2021 | By NP Contributor | Dangerous Blood Sugar Levels.

There is a clear understanding of when is it diabetes. But people are less sure about what is severe diabetes, what levels of sugar are dangerous.
Diabetes is if fasting plasma glucose is above 126 mg/dl or A1C is above 6.5%. However, despite the treatment, most of those living with diabetes will have higher levels of blood sugar.
American Diabetes Association thinks that fasting blood glucose levels of up to 130 mg/dl are acceptable for those living with diabetes. And postprandial levels of 180 mg/dl are not bad. A1C target for most is 7% but could be higher for older adults.
Understanding dangerous blood sugar levels
Based on ADA’s recommendations, one may say that any level of blood sugar above 130 mg/dl (fasting) is terrible, and 180 mg/dl postprandial or random is bad and dangerous.
Regretfully, studies show that almost half of all those living with diabetes are not meeting their goals. It means that many people live with high blood glucose levels, some of them with dangerously high blood sugar levels.
Most people are living with type 2 diabetes. It is a condition that starts with insulin resistance. This means that the body is producing enough insulin, but this insulin fails to work as expected. So, the body reacts by producing even more insulin, causing beta-cells in the pancreas to die of exhaustion and ultimately causing insulin deficiency.
Acute complication of dangerously high sugar levels
As the disease or insulin resistance progresses, insulin deficiency ensues, controlling blood sugar levels become challenging.
Since, in diabetes, despite the high blood glucose levels, body cells are starving, they respond by burning more fats. As a result, they start using ketone bodies to fulfil their energy needs. However, suppose these ketone bodies rise to extreme levels. In that case, they may alter blood pH, causing a severe and acute complication called Diabetes Keto-Acidosis (DKA). A potentially life-threatening condition.
So, what is the sugar level that may be regarded as a warning sign for possible DKA? Well, specialists suggest that 240 mg/dl or more is dangerous blood sugar levels. If a random blood glucose test shows these levels, it is a red sign. So, one should immediately take measures to lower blood sugar. And check blood sugar every 4 to 6 hours.
Some of the early signs of dangerous blood sugar levels could be fruity odor on breath, feeling tired, difficulty breathing, dizziness, etc.
Chronic complications of dangerously high sugar levels
Perhaps more dangerous are the chronic complications of uncontrolled blood sugar levels. It causes widespread damage to various organs.
Chronically high levels of blood sugar will cause nerve damage, damage to large and small blood vessels.
It ultimately increases the risk of damage to the retina, causes blurring of eye lenses. It increases the risk of kidney disease, slow-healing ulcers, and amputations. The risk of heart attack and stroke is considerably high in those with poorly controlled diabetes.
To conclude, it is worth knowing that dangerous blood sugar levels cause acute and chronic complications, almost in all cases. In addition, it causes considerable disability and results in a shorter lifespan.