Cancer Awareness Among Younger Generation: The End Game
Healthful Vitality | 08/22/2019 | By Dr. B. R. Achyut, PhD | Cancer Awareness Among Younger Generation

Cancer is one of the deadliest diseases that humanity is facing. In 1986, a sagacious physician-scientist, Harold Dvorak, coined the phrase “cancer is a wound that never heals.” Unfortunately, despite clinical and experimental research, technological advancements, and pharmacological developments, there has been limited therapeutic success against cancer after several decades. Thus, it is not an exaggeration to say that “cancer is smarter than the group of doctors trying to treat the disease under an approved clinical trial in the business model of the hospital.” Therefore, time demands that one explore other approaches, such as “early screening/detection” and “cancer awareness among the younger generation,” to combat cancer.
Surprisingly, national initiatives are ineffective regarding early screening and cancer awareness compared to pharmacological therapy. Part of the reason could be the unavailability of sensitive screening methods for aggressive cancers such as pancreatic and brain tumors. However, a recent study by Bert Vogelstein’s group at Johns Hopkins University developed CancerSEEK, a liquid biopsy approach that can detect multiple cancers. Also, there are a few initiatives to spread cancer awareness in adults through 5K fundraisers and cancer awareness months for men and women cancers. But unfortunately, not much attention is given to cancer awareness among the younger population. Since the younger generation deserves a better future, we need an effective plan to prevent cancer incidence.
Cancer awareness among younger generation: Research
According to the American Cancer Society (ACS), by 2019, the cancer incidence and cancer-associated death data look frightful (Table, adapted from the ACS website). For example, the US cancer incidence rate in women is higher than in men, but the cancer death rate is higher in men than in women. In 2019, the top three states that will notice the highest cancer incidence and deaths are California, Florida, and Texas (Table).
Cancer Incidence (2019) | Cancer deaths (2019) |
Worldwide: 18.1 M | 9.6 M |
USA: 1.76 M | 0.6 M |
Males: 870, 970 | 321,670 |
Females: 891,480 | 285,210 |
California: 186,920 (#1) | 60,590 (#1) |
Florida: 131,470 (#2) | 45,000 (#2) |
Texas: 124,890 (#3) | 41,300 (#3) |
Previously, cancer was considered a disease of old age. However, the annual report in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute on May 30, 2019, that looked at cancer rates and trends suggests “the greater cancer burden among women than men ages 20 to 49 was a striking finding of this study.”
This report resulted due to the collaborative effort among the National Cancer Institute (NCI), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the ACS, and the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR). The lead author of the article pointed out that the high burden of breast cancer relative to other cancers in the 20-49 year age group reinforces the importance of research on awareness/prevention, early detection, and treatment of breast cancer in younger women. Nevertheless, these trends indicate that the younger generation is more prone to cancer incidence.
What risk factors play a significant role in the establishment and progression of cancer
According to the 2019 population of the USA, out of 329 million people, the younger generation (0-25 years) is about 31% (~104 million). Among 53 million are male, and 51 million are females. Cancer takes decades to develop, but several cancer prints are established at younger ages. Several years of studies identified that risk factors such as diet, lifestyle, physical activity, smoking, genetics, etc., play a significant role in the establishment and progression of cancer. Thus, we urgently need to review the risk and preventive factors that the young generation is exposed to at the early stages of life.
ACS data believes that specific diets such as red meat and processed meat could be limited in the young and teens. They should choose foods and drinks in amounts that help to maintain a healthy weight. They should eat at least 2½ cups of vegetables and fruits each day. Also, whole grains instead of refined grain products are the better choices. ACS recommends that children and teens “get at least 1 hour of moderate or vigorous intensity activity each day, with vigorous activity on at least three days each week.” Also, sedentary behavior such as sitting, lying down, watching TV, and other forms of screen-based entertainment should be limited daily.
Cancer awareness among younger generation: Modes of cancer awareness
There are several possible modes of cancer awareness among the younger generation.
(1) Cancer awareness months
One of the most effective ways is to display Cancer awareness months in school news in a weekly manner. This will invite a discussion at the class and school levels.
(2) Book reading, both electronics and printed versions
Book reading is one of the convincing ways of learning new concepts. Therefore, creating meaningful cancer books, electronic and printed versions such as character-based comic series. These comic books could have vital character-oriented superheroic immune cells and tumor/cancer cells as a villain. The good news is that all age groups like to read books. Therefore, it is a matter of creativity to introduce such comics in the market and local libraries.
(3) Awareness via cell phone or computer-based games
Awareness via cell phone or computer-based games could be a convincing model for the next generation. According to the Telegraph website, “the young generation is addicted to mobile phones.” If the cancer games are entertaining enough, it will help in grabbing the attention of the younger population.
(4) Promoting activity by schools
Again, the school system plays a major role in promoting activity like skits and theater-based short plays on cancer and other health issues.
(5) Fantasy-oriented and character-based movies
There are tremendous success stories for movies that are fantasy-oriented and character-based. One of the most watched movies is the Marvel Production movies, which entirely focuses on superheroes and villains. Also, several Disney movies have greatly influenced the younger generation. Therefore, movies that display the whole Cellular Wars inside the human system are worth trying. Movie success is incredibly possible if it takes care of the entertainment quotient.
(6) Video series
Similarly, a video series would solve the same purpose as movies.
(7) Collaboration between the school system and designated cancer centers
Regarding cancer education, a collaboration between the school system and designated cancer centers could play a crucial role. This initiative could change the understanding of cancer in schools throughout the states. For example, it could promote a cancer professional-based cancer education in schools across the nation. This effort also includes routine school tours to the cancer center(s).
(8) Running and races
The healthiest way is the running and races that could be sponsored by the name of cancer awareness in schools on a yearly basis.
(9) Cancer awareness within the religious places
Several religious places have an educational curriculum, therefore, regular meetings focusing on cancer education could spread cancer awareness within the religious places.
(10) School project, cancer awareness campaign
Finally, several school project could be conducted on cancer and therapy to profound the understanding of cancer development and their prevention. One could imagine the tremendous effect of cancer awareness campaign if all ten points are followed in a timely manner.
There is no doubt that cancer awareness has enormous potential to curb cancer incidence if introduced in the early phases of life. Indeed, this early phase of life’s introduction required a better future for the younger generation. The good news is that organizations like NCI, CDC, ACS and the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) are devoted to community-based cancer awareness. However, special programs are required to spread cancer awareness at the school level. Indeed, we cannot do this without funding opportunities and enthusiasm among parents, the school system, cancer professionals, state governments, cancer foundations, and the community.
(Also Read: Immunotherapy Weds Artificial Intelligence).
Dr. B.R. Achyut is a Biologist, Educator, Innovator, Scientific Writer, and Aspiring Entrepreneur in the field of Cancer. He is working as an Associate Scientist at Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University. He has earned a Ph.D. in Cancer Inflammation and Genetics from India at Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow. In the year 2009, he came to the National Cancer Institute at National Institutes of Health, Bethesda for Postdoctoral Fellowship. Later, he moved to Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (2013) and Augusta University, Augusta (2014).
He significantly contributed to the tumor microenvironment area of cancer focusing on Upper GI, breast, and glioblastoma preclinical models. His seminal research work is published in several international cancer and therapy journals. He is recognized as a “Top 10 in 10” list of “Young Professional to Watch 2017” by Augusta Magazine and Augusta Chamber of Commerce. Later, Georgia Trend Magazine in 2017 recognized him as a “40 under 40” in the state of Georgia. He is a big fan of Cricket game. In the past, he established “Augusta Cricket League” and recently, “Suwanee Avengers” Cricket team in Georgia.