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Write for us


Healthful Vitality is actively seeking high-quality content and contributions from professionals including students on all topics, from health, education, technology, innovation to lifestyle, as well as news and updates from the healthcare industry. The article needs to be original and not already published on other websites.


Make submissions in a word document. Relevant images should be submitted, as well. In case any material is reproduced from previously published, including copyrighted material, it should include a full credit line acknowledging the original source, and the author is responsible for obtaining the permission above.

Contact information:

List all authors contract information, including mailing address, titles and affiliations, phone, and email.


Accepted submissions will be edited for grammar, punctuation, spelling, and clarity.


Though the ideal length would be 2000 words, the full-length article should not exceed 4000 words, including references.


Articles, blogs, and accompanying material are accepted exclusively for Healthful Vitality. None of the contents on Healthful Vitality may be reproduced without permission.

If you would like to write for us, fill out and send the above contact form.