5 Commitment Issues in Men
Healthful Vitality | 10/06/2021 | By Guest Contributor | Commitment Issues in Men

Starting a relationship with someone you love can have its pros and cons. If you have binge-watched the famous sitcom Friends, you might know how Chandler Bing was having commitment issues. It is something common with many men and women. It could be because of childhood trauma or seeing problems in their parent’s relationship.
5 Commitment Issues in Men
True, it can be due to the fear of losing your freedom or not yet being ready to take a step closer to settling down. These are some of the factors causing commitment issues in men. Here, in this article, we will look into different components that lead to such problems in men.
1. Fear of Losing Freedom
Most men fear getting into a committed relationship. It is because they think that they will end up losing their freedom. But, in reality, if you are with the right person, you are not losing your freedom. Instead, both you and your partner can have a great time with each other.
You might be spending time with your partner and having the freedom you require to maintain a healthy bond. Depending upon the relationship with your partner, you can have a great time without losing any of your freedom.
2. Thoughts of Not Having a Life
One of the main commitment issues in men is the thought of not having a life after getting committed. However, it is not true because you would be starting a new life with the one person you want to be with. It can be much more beautiful than you think. However, in this case, it depends upon the type of bond you share with your partner and if the person is right for you.
3. Uncertainty on if the Partner is for You
This can be a tough one. If you are uncertain about the relationship, committing to it may not be the right thing. In these kinds of commitment issues in men, it is best to think through and analyze before deciding. If you consider there is a lack of compatibility, the chances of your relationship being a success can be less. However, if it is because of fear, you have to work through it and find if the person is right for you.
4. Fear of Rejection
Sometimes your partner might not have expressed the desire to move forward with a commitment. It can be moving in together, adopting a puppy together, meeting each other’s parents, or getting engaged.
Regardless of the commitment, you might fear the things that might happen if things don’t work out. Under such circumstances, it is best to analyze and do what your heart says.
5. Uncertainty about Yourself
If you are still figuring things out about yourself, it can be challenging to get committed. You might be working on your identity, career, passion, or anything essential for you. Because of this, men might have commitment issues. However, you have to focus on yourself, and then if you think it’s ideal for you to get into a commitment, you can move forward with it. If not, you have to be open to your partner and let them know your thoughts.